Hello SKB Sisters!

Recently, I had a frank and open conversation with a woman who spoke to me about my upcoming marriage. As a semi-stressed, semi-worried but on the whole excited wife to be, I explained to her how excited I am to marry the love of my life, the man who makes my life that little bit more special. 

I asked her if she had any marriage advice for me, and she said “If you find a great man, a kind man, a patient man – hold on to him, cherish him for the rest of your years. The wrong man, a narcissistic man, can and WILL ruin your life”. I stared at her blankly, a little taken aback if im honest. She then went on and the words she said to me will stay with me for life. I want to share her words with you all because I know her words may be the words that so many of you may have needed to read for days, months or even years. 

She started by saying that when you marry a narcissistic man, you never get a chance to be a wife. Instead, you take on the role of a mother because these types of adults behave like man-children. 

They go to work every day and then spend their weekends sitting in front of a laptop, downloading music, playing video games or making messes for you to clean up. You find yourself single and a father simultaneously, taking on the burden of responsibilities without the support of a partner.

Narcissists don’t marry for love or partnership, they marry because they want a maid, cook, secretary, banker and a nanny.

They crave control not connection. Their selfish desires consume them, leaving you to run the household, raise the children, and satisfy their every whim. Your dreams of a loving and equal relationship are shattered, replaced by the harsh reality of servitude. As days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into years – you become a shadow of your old self. 

Your identity is erased, replaced by the exhausting duties of handling a narcissists life. You are obliged to sacrifice your own desires, interests and friendships to accommodate their demands. Emotional childbirth is suffocating, leaving you drained, resentful and wondering how you ended up in this nightmare.

But you are not alone in this fight. 

Many women have fallen prey to the charming façade of a narcissist, only to find themselves trapped in a loveless and ungrateful role. 

Remember you deserve better. You deserve a partner who loves, supports and respects you.


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3 months ago

Love, love this. Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this today!

3 months ago

Isnt this the truth!

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