Girls Trip From Hell

Hello ladies of SKB!

@samknowsbest here. I was recently reminiscing on a “girl’s holiday” that I took when I was younger to celebrate the hen party of my friend at the time. It was a girl’s trip to Mexico, and I was so excited to visit Mexico for the first time ever and celebrate my friend! However, the trip soon turned into a nightmare. Halfway into the trip the whole girl squad ended up having a huge disagreement and the trip broke off and everyone ended up doing their own thing. That trip also led to the breakdown of my friendship. Sometimes, I still think of her and wonder how married life is treating her and what we would speak about if we ever got in touch again. I look back at photographs I have from my time at university and when I see photos of us together, I do feel a surge of sadness. 

But the point of this post is not to dwell on the breakdown of my friendship. I know it happened for the best because as we navigate through life, some people are meant to stay for a long time and others – frankly speaking – are just not meant to hang around. However, I am so curious to know – have any of you lovely ladies been on a trip that involved other females, and did it became a nightmare? I often see posts and videos on social media of these “girl’s trips” and all you see if the happy, blissful moments of which I know there are many. But what about the moments where you are gritting your teeth, or you don’t want to follow the girl crowd? 

Share your wisdom because I would be so interested to hear your thoughts – are all girl trips sunshine and rainbows or can they also be a madhouse with too many cooks in the kitchen?


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4 months ago

Girls trips can be so much fun! Me, my cousins and some friends recently got back from Qatar. It was amazing, we all had the same idea of how we wanted to spend the trip. We ate great food and just had so many laughs while exploring so many beautiful places! We’re doing a staycation soon and I’m really excited to share more memories with them!

3 months ago

I once remember a trip I went on and this post really brought back memories! I was so excited for the trip, thinking it would be the perfect chance to relax and have fun with my closest girl friends. There were 14 of us in total and we all knew each other, admittedly some of the girls I didnt really know that well but I was happy to travel with them anyway! But honestly, it turned into a total nightmare! From the moment we got there, everything just felt off—constant bickering over where to eat, who should be in charge of the plans. All these petty arguments that seemed to escalate out of nowhere. By the second day, the tension was unbearable. Instead of enjoying myself, I spent most of the trip just trying to stay out of the drama. I ended up feeling more stressed out than when I left!! What was supposed to be a fun, carefree holiday ended up feeling like the complete opposite and I actually started wondering if I should’ve just gone on a solo trip instead! After this, I never ever went on a large girls trip again!

1 month ago

What a cool post, I feel it isn’t talked about enough! So, I traveled overseas twice while in college in the early 2000s. Pre-Google Maps and smartphones, traveling was far more difficult and had to be well planned in advance. The most expensive item was the plane ticket cause we were broke. We had fun planning sessions, figured out what was important to each person, and how we each got to do what we wanted. We stayed in 1 star hotels and cheap hostels. We worked with each other’s budgets. We always had each other’s backs. We never left the other alone without a meetup plan. We got frustrated with each other, fought, made up, had fun, had scary experiences, and it all strengthened our relationships. Traveling is really darn hard; don’t do it with people who can’t respect your boundaries and needs sis!

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