Mental Health Boost

Hello, I hope you wonderful ladies can help me. I am feeling very lost these days. Honestly, my mind is often full of worries and stress, and it’s hard to focus on anything. I really want to improve my mental health, but I don’t even know where to begin. I read about therapy – I will research this but does anyone have any other tips or advice? I don’t want to add more stress to my life, but I need to feel better.

Can someone please give me simple advice or small steps to boost my mental health that can help me slowly feel better without feeling overwhelmed? Thank you so much everyone.


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3 months ago

Hey munchiknowsbest, So sorry you arent feeling yourself lately, I am sending big big hugs to you. I am really glad to read that you are taking steps to try and improve your mental health because it’s essential for your body and soul. When my own mental health was suffering, I would make sure I made time each and every day for some self-care. Sometimes my self care would be taking an extra 5 minutes in the shower, sometimes it would be going for a walk on my own, sometimes it would be reading my book before bed. As exhausting as it may be, try and also message and speak to friends or family around you, many people might not actually know or recognize that your mental health is suffering. Recently, I also started to set boundaries with certain people because frankly I was exhausting myself constantly saying yes and being there for everybody. It was draining on me and I couldn’t always be the best 100% of the time. Sleep is also such a good mental health booster. I hope my tips bring you some relief x

3 months ago

Hello @munchiknowsbest, I want to share some tips that might boost your mental health, it’s not a nice place to be in and it’s awesome that you are reaching out for help. I would advise you to try getting into a few simple habits and make it a part of your routine. Get moving with some daily exercise, even a short walk, because they say this will release endorphins. Practice gratitude by jotting down three things you’re thankful for each day. Also consider mindfulness exercises like deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress. Eat a balanced diet rich in mood-boosting foods, and try to limit screen time, especially before bed. Be kind to yourself, avoiding negative self-talk, and break big tasks into small, manageable steps to feel accomplished. Small changes can have a big impact over time! x

3 months ago

@munchiknowsbest – You got this girl. I love that you are taking the first step to help your mental health and I hope my advice helps you too. a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
2.learn to say no when needed.
3. practice journaling a little every day.
4. spend time with someone who makes you laugh.
5.appreciate nature, even if it’s just sitting outside for a few minutes. In San Diego, I love to visit the beaches in the early morning to clear my mind.
6.positive affirmations can shift your mindset.
These are small tips that help me. Good luck and all my love girl! x

1 month ago

Love this advice! I will use these tips too, thank you for sharing x

2 months ago

Hello! I also wanted to add that sleep is so so important and works wonders for your mental health. Sleep is one of the most powerful tools for boosting our mental health but it’s often the first thing we neglect when life gets busy. By getting enough quality sleep can have a huge impact on your mood, your stress levels, and your well-being. When you sleep, your brain has the chance to process emotions, repair itself and most importantly recharge for the day ahead. A lack of sleep can make everything feel harder emotionally, mentally and physically x

1 month ago

Hi hun. Here is my advice to you hun, just pretend you are your own child. Weird concept, but hear me out. That negative self-talk that’s beating you down – would you speak to a child like that? What would you say to your inner child if someone told them they were an idiot or were fat or were useless or unloved? Practice a little kindness toward yourself. I’m trying really hard to do this & this concept helps me extend compassion toward myself. We can do it together sister! xxxx

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