I Want To Be Financially Independent

Hi everyone,

I need your advice on something super important – how do I build wealth and become truly financially independent? To be honest, I don’t want to rely on anyone. It’s about having my own safety net and freedom.

I want to create a life where I know I have options, I want to make big decisions without feeling stuck. I want to treat myself without feeling guilty. How do you manage your money wisely? Where do you even begin with saving and investing? And how do you stay consistent when there are always bills, expenses etc?

Do you have budgeting tips, ideas of side hustles or possible investment tips? I really need advice on financial security for myself without relying on anyone else. I want to start somewhere and today is the day.

Thank you for your replies x


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2 months ago

Hey @Kamalknowsbest, To be financially independent you need to have a clear picture of your money. Sit down and figure out what’s coming in and going out of your bank account. Start saving, even if it’s just a little bit at first. Aim to build up an emergency fund too, my emergency fund started as 10 dollars a week in a small tin. Look into ways to boost your income, I have a friend who started sewing clothes on the side and started making a good income on her own. It might seem silly and daunting but a small step can make a big difference, you have to start somewhere. I think as women we need to be able to rely on ourselves financially, look at free courses online or think about making a financial goal to achieve. I wish you well x

1 month ago

Hi Kamal,

Thanks for sharing your worries.

I recall a conversation I had once with a young man who shared that he wants to be the sole provider for his wife, and if he met a girl who aspires to be a CEO or start up her own business – he wouldn’t marry her. I think this is utterly bizarre, and it’s quite shocking to see the mentality of young men who are essentially looking for a girl who relies on them alone with nothing going for herself.

I said to him that if something was to go wrong within his life, such as losing his job or not being able to provide for his wife for whatever circumstances, the woman is the one who would be suffering. If she took it upon herself to rely solely on him, with no goals, aspirations, independence or money of her own, it would be her that suffers in the long run.

The advice I would give to you is to enhance your own skillset as much as you can. Look online for some free courses that help you master a certain skill, or build on a particular hobby that could potentially turn into a small side hustle. It’s always important to have your own independence and your own skills that can add value and enhance your own quality of living if needs be.


1 month ago

Hi girl! I want to say that I think it’s amazing that you want to stand on your own two feet financially. So many women here in the UAE want to do it but many of us don’t know how. I would advise you to build up your skills, lots of places allow you to learn and complete courses for free. Volunteering is a good way to get skills and learn new things that may help you to stand out from the crowd. I would say always try and live below your means. This will help to save a bit of cash here and there too!

1 month ago

Hey lovely lady. My name is speakingeasyknowsbest and I wanted to say that it might be good to save a bit of money and try and invest it into something that will help bring money back to you. Property is a great investment and guarantees you an income but savings must be quite big and it will take time to save up that amount of money but it is a strong option. Another investment is investing in government schemes or stocks, I think speaking to a financial advisor will help to understand these two options better. Hope you achieve your goals x

1 month ago

Hi! I wanted to share some things you might want to avoid doing to help you with your finances. If you want to be financially independent, avoid buying stuff you don’t need because it’s not worth it. Please don’t ignore your debt or rely on credit cards to get by, I did it and it made my situation so much harder. AVOID “get rich quick” schemes too because they are usually all talk and a big scam. Basically, think smart, plan ahead, and don’t let short-term temptations ruin your long-term goals sis.

1 month ago

Hi girl, I think living within your means is key to becoming financially independent. would say always spend less than you earn and avoid taking on debt for things you don’t truly need. If you can’t afford something then it’s better not to buy it at all. Focus on your needs before your wants, this is so important. Make a habit of saving some money, even if it’s just a little to start with, and learn to say no to things that you cant afford xx

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